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What I Offer:
At HMann.Coach I help your charity or community group
bring your values to life through in-person workshops:
Health & Wellbeing - Creating sustainable, healthy habits that empower individuals and their communities.
Mindfulness & Stress Reduction - Helping participants cultivate mindfulness practises to manage stress, improve focus and boost emotional resilience.
Group Learning - Harnessing the pillar of community to foster support, engagement and shared growth among participants.

Reaching those who otherwise cannot access this level of progress
"Wellbeing is made up of two key elements; feeling good and functioning well."
- Mind, Report: Building Communities
Proposal Excerpts

"Hardeep, your programme is excellent...
we are now waiting on funding to integrate it into Men's shed."
- Colin Chorley, Founder of Widnes Men's Shed
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