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Is this you?


It's about resonance.

This mean intention, ethic and personality and  sharing in a safe, goal-oriented space.

I invite you to your clarity.

Establishing clear, safe, and strong rapport is essential for your progress and transformation.

1:1 is only for those who are ready.

Rush Hour


Driven people are highly capable and accomplished.

However, they can be particularly over-occupied.

Some of the best solutions for their health and well being are cloaked, fogged over by their busy-ness.


The clarity needed to unveil their solutions is best reached from a meditative state.

The state of awareness that opens clear thinking.

I tailor novel techniques to help clients leverage their full innate power.

To achieve a life that was previously only dreamt of.

Men are more likely to be entrenched

in a fear of being seen to be weak

They feel like they shouldn't seek the help they need

Brené Brown says it brilliantly.

Link to video:
Listening To Shame

In a rush?

Skip to >> 16mins​

10,000+ Men

If you have a brother, uncle, neighbour, son, or any other man you care about: I am encouraging them NOT to struggle in silence.

​Some of my richest testimonials have been from women. An I am very grateful and proud of these achievements.

I would be equally proud if I can get many more from men.


Who do you know?

1 to 1+ COACHING

A change may need buy-in from your partner.

What we eat and drink is both a personalised and a socialised consideration. We cook and eat together.


It's a tribal thing. SO change might need someone else's buy-in.

I’ll encourage you to invite your partner to some of the coaching sessions, when relevant.

I call this 1+ Coaching.

YOU are the client.

YOUR goals are THE goals.

Sometimes a goal needs social integration, and I facilitate what's needed.

Get in touch now or book a free appointment!

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