whom I serve

Only Men?

I have wondered whether this distinction is OK.

Indeed, some of my richest testimonials are from women.

silhouette of 3 men standing on grass field during sunset
peoples walking on pedestrian lane

Yet the distinction can be important in some ways.
But why?

The reason centres around the depth of 1 to 1 coaching.
It requires deep individualised focus.

That focus demands a resonance that can only come from common ground.
For 1 to 1 health coaching I find that most commonly with men,
perhaps owing to physical similarities.

resonating with whose in front of you

It’s really about relating by conveying
intention, ethic, and personality

Inquire for your progress

Hardeep Mann

About Me

I convey myself through writing

Perhaps the writing resonates with you.
If yes then our personalities would probably chime

And that can happen with anyone.

Driven People

Driven people are highly capable and accomplished.
However, they can be particularly over-occupied.

Some of the best solutions for their health and well being are cloaked,
fogged over by their busy-ness.

Your journey will be unique to you hmann.coach

The clarity needed to unveil their solutions is best reached from a meditative state:
the state of self-awareness that opens clear thinking.

My Skills and Experience

When I tailor novel techniques clients can leverage their full innate power.

They achieve a life they’d previously only dreamt of.

1 to 1+ coaching

A change may need buy-in from your partner

What we eat and drink is both a personalised and a socialised consideration.

When a goal requirement is socially compelling,
I’ll encourage you to invite your partner to some of the coaching sessions.

I call this 1+ coaching.

people around table

Effectiveness can be accelerated
through honing the support you really need.

YOU are the client.
YOUR goals are THE goals.

Sometimes a goal needs social integration, and I facilitate what’s needed.

a group of people standing around a kitchen preparing food


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