
Growing Up

My upbringing was both difficult and blessed

people walking on street during daytime

I grew up working class

I straddled Indian/Sikh culture while growing up in England.
This brought both opportunity and challenge.

Our parents insisted on education so we could make our way in the world.

people sitting on chair

We’ve all done ‘well’

I was an A grade student

My mum gave us a lot of kindness

I had a very difficult relationship with my dad, he was volatile. I don’t know what today’s medical world would have diagnosed.

I also don’t know what he went through growing up in India and then moving to England in the 60’s.
Culturally, England was a very different place then.

boy with backpack beside a books
He actively dissuaded trust and blocked a lot of friendships.

One thing we never lacked for at home was food and I found solace from his rages and my loneliness in bingeing: eating, drinking, and also writing, reading, watching.

My studiousness fell off as did a lot of my ambition.

into adulthood

This led to gross overeating and over drinking.

But that’s in the past.

freedom joy optimism



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