
My Values

Acting and speaking to build progress and prevent harm

Decisive and moderated action, including the action of stillness

Foster development in others and self

Being safe and open in both the capabilities and limits of cognition and intuition

Values are our core beliefs that
most often drive our actions

it is about what we hope for and what we actually take responsibility for bringing about

My adult years

It wasn’t always so.

Burning the candle at both ends,
Smiling through the pain

As a workaholic IT Architect I wasn’t prioritising my health.

I had professional purpose, belonging, responsibility and control,
but my well being was suffering.

Multi-tasking decision-fatigue – be it home, work, or the pub – was common and
I’d reach for binge food and drink to comfort the stress.

Think: pizzas, beer, chocolates, shots, fizzy drinks, packets of biscuits;
two or three whole dinner plates.

Over time I was getting heavier and bigger.
I was failing the societal and family expectations
expectations of ‘work hard and don’t be a sissy’.

And worse still:
“don’t care about your self, it’s SELFISH”.

My mind had hardened those thoughts into priorities;
it was working against me.

My dynamic was poorly balanced food, sleep, and thinking,
and my body was taking the brunt.

Will power and will NOT power

Getting around the football pitch was no joke any more.
Skin and gut problems also developed, and my sleep became erratic.

On the surface my work was ‘just fine’. I was performing, yes, but the joy had long since been strangled out of it. I was just grinding metal.

I mostly suffered in silence.
I also cushioned my ‘failings’ in gallows humour or self-deprecating jibes..

There were periods of eating rigidly well for weight loss but I would slingshot back.
Will power alone wasn’t cutting it.

Silver linings and clouds.

Yet another football injury forced me to seek gentle exercise,

what I found was yoga.

The stretching made my body feel great.
The benefits compelled me to qualify as a teacher.

I learned so much about the mind-body connection through allied meditation,
but the training itself added to the workaholism: a double-edged sword.

Cycles of bingeing intensified.

My partner encouraged me to get help.
She was worried about me but I wasn’t ready to hear that.

person in white and red soccer jersey kicking soccer ball

Spiralling Downwards

Deeper problems swirled.
The most severe were relationship issues and
I lost connection with people I held very dear.

Then, my father passed away.
He had suffered from diabetes, heart disease, had heart attacks and a triple bypass, and high blood pressure.

I looked in the mirror.

A bell tolled.

An evolution

The Deepest Joys

My most valued benefits have been my improved relationships and keeping my good humour.

My physical health and sleep quality are also great.
The difference is night and day.


Compassion for the same struggle in others has driven me to help. I have retrained and now work to inspire deep change.

I have seen hundreds of people.

I coach natural health and well-being improvements.

FOOD re-balanced
MIND clear
BODY revitalised

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